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The Daily Show reveals how the public really feels about Google Glass

The Daily Show reveals how the public really feels about Google Glass
Image Credit: Flickr user zugaldia

Leave it to The Daily Show to have the funniest and most intelligent perspective on Google Glass.

Correspondent and professional curmudgeon Jason Jones perfectly represents the general public’s attitude toward the widely maligned wearable.

“Since when can’t a grown man walk into a child’s playground with a secret camera on his face,” he joked, in a skit where he constructs his own makeshift wearable camera and walks into a children’s park.

A group of Glass enthusiasts tried in vain to convince Jones of why Google Glass was better — mostly because a computer on one’s face is faster than checking a cell phone. To this, Jones answered, “But you already have access to everything on your cell phone – via your cell phone.”

Nor did he share their optimism on calling early Google glass adopter, “explorers.”

Magellan was an explorer. Chuck Yeager was an explorer. You guys have a fucking camera on your face”.

Establishments around the country have begun to ban Google Glass, as wearers face assaults in public.

For many gadget geeks, speed and novelty are a way of life. The newest processor, which may bump speeds 5 or 10 percent, is a cause for mass celebration. It’s fair to say that the general public doesn’t share this same enthusiasm for incremental improvement, especially when the trade-off is privacy.

When one member of the audience explained that she was video recording Jones because The Daily Show was recording her, Jones responded, “Yeah, except that our cameras have red lights on them and big crew guys operating them, and you signed a release form for a national TV show. Otherwise, exact same thing.”

Watch the full skit above.