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Q. & A. With David Axelrod

Two years after leaving the White House, David Axelrod continues to advise President Obama, even as he begins work on his memoir and oversees a new Institute of Politics at his alma mater, the University of Chicago. This week, he sat down with John Harwood of The New York Times and CNBC to discuss his role in Mr. Obama’s career, the president’s setback on guns, and America’s shifting political landscape, before an audience at Washington College in Chestertown, Md. What follows is a condensed, edited portion of their discussion.


What was your unique contribution to Obama?


I had a lot of experience working with African-American candidates in campaigns. I understood the kinds of signals and cues that had to be sent.

The first ad I ever did for [Obama] was when he was running for the Senate. It was him telling the story of all the barriers that he had broken, both in his personal life, but also in his work as a legislator â€" first black president of Harvard Law Review. It was all, “They said it couldn’t be done and we did it.” And it finished with, “Now they say we can’t change Washington. I’m Barack Obama and I approve this message to say Yes We Can.”

It was the first time we ever used that phrase. He does it, and then he turns to me, and he says, “Is that too corny?” And Michelle was sitting there, and he turned to her. She just shook her head and said, “Not too corny.”

I thought about that years later during the Arab Spring, because I saw a young guy in Tahrir Square holding up a sign saying, “Yes We Can.”

[In the White House], I was the guy who always came in with the polling. That was my job. I never was recommending that he necessarily follow the polls … and he almost never did. And I always say that what I like about him so much is that he listens to me so little.


I want to ask you about what’s going on right now with the issue of gay rights, gay marriage. Do you think you and Obama underestimated the flimsiness of that barrier? Is supporting gay marriage something that you could have, with no fear of huge political fallout, done in 2008 as well as in 2012?


Attitudes have shifted on this as quickly as any issue that I’ve seen. They’re far different now even than they were in 2008.

I think the president has had something to do with that. And not just what he said on the issue of gay marriage, but also the two-year battle he waged on the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy, the decision of the administration to withdraw its representation with the DOMA law.

So I do think he’s played a leadership role on this. But I also think this was going to happen over time.


How is it that you get to an issue like background checks on guns â€" where 90 percent of the American people are for you, you have won the election, the opposition is in the dumps â€" and you can’t get the votes you need to get it on the floor of the Senate.


The Republican Party today is, at its core, a mostly Southern, white, old, evangelical party. That is enough to dominate Congressional elections in the states where they hold sway. So you have a party that is capable of controlling at least a house of Congress, but it’s incapable of winning a general election for president.

The first rule of politics for most people who hold office is survival. Until people start losing their offices because they take that position, I think the N.R.A. is still going to be able to influence a lot of votes, because the N.R.A. threatens people, threatens their re-election, particularly in those states, rural states, states where they are particularly strong. And there is no evidence yet that people have lost their jobs because they have taken the other position.

So my advice to my friends in the movement for background checks and other common-sense gun laws is to organize as the N.R.A. does, and make sure those who feel strongly about this issue know about it, and make it a voting issue.


As you reflect on how that whole thing went down, is there anything that your side, the president, could have done more effectively? Be tougher? More schmoozing? Be more like L.B.J.?


I have great reverence for the legislative skills of Lyndon Johnson. But he came to office at an unusual time, as the successor to a martyred president â€" took his program and passed it. Franklin Roosevelt, who is revered as another master, took on Congress on the Supreme Court in 1938, and never passed a major piece of domestic legislation again for the rest of his presidency. So there’s a little bit of mythology that grows up around people.

I don’t think this was a matter of schmoozing, I don’t think it was a matter of toughness. I think the president was very, very vigorous on behalf of this and very connected emotionally with this.

The one question that’s been raised is: Should there have been a lightning strike after Newtown? Should there have been a vote? I’d say two things about that. Remember, at the time we were in the midst of a big battle over whether or not taxes were going to go up January 1st, and that was an all-consuming battle. Secondly, the nature of these institutions, and particularly the Senate â€" they’re not built for lightning strikes. They’re built to slow down the process.


Are moments like this emblematic of something larger in his presidency? Or are they discrete issues, and a loss on guns doesn’t tell you anything about whether he can get a grand bargain on the budget, which isn’t going to tell you anything about whether he can get an immigration bill?


When I was in the White House we probably invested too much time in the leadership and not enough time in the rank-and-file members of Congress. I think that’s been corrected now, and I think that’s the right strategy.

I think the immigration bill has a life of its own. The only linkage I see was, I had a concern that there were some Republicans who think they get one hall-pass from the conservative right, and they had already calculated they might have to use it for immigration reform. So they were afraid to take too much license and vote for [gun background checks].

But you know Washington is all about instant measurements, and most of the time they’re wrong.

It may be, by the way, that after Republicans are through their filing process for the next election cycle and they know whether or not they have primary challengers, you may pry a few more loose [on guns]. Republicans spend a lot of time looking over their right shoulders.


When you think about the nature of the two parties, how the country is changing, does that remind you of any particular point in history, like when Democrats were losing the presidency while winning only one state a couple of times?


Well, we marched through a pretty arid desert there in the 1980s, which really trains the mind.

The way the country’s divided, that kind of result is almost impossible now. I thought we won a substantial victory [in 2012]. You could have an even more substantial victory, depending on who the Republican Party nominates. And I say this on the day reports surface that Senator Cruz from Texas is thinking of running for president. So that would test the proposition of just how big a blow-out you can have.

The Republican Party has to decide who it is, and whether or not satisfying its base and the most strident voices within its base is a prescription for success. One of the things they say: “Well, Obama just had better analytics guys.” That’s not the problem. Analytics guys can help you if you’re poised to win.

If you’re on your own 20-yard line, your field goal team isn’t going to help you. You’ve got to get down the field. And they have to decide whether they want to charge down the field or not.

We’re going to continue to become a more diverse country. The state of Texas, which is the biggest prize in the Republican constellation, is a state with 3 million unregistered Hispanic voters. The most popular baby boy’s name in Texas is Jose.


If implementation of the health care law doesn’t work, it’s a mess, people lose faith in it, then it’s not worth a whole lot. Will it be a durable achievement?


I do think it will be a durable achievement. This law is predicated on a grand bargain between the insurance industry and consumers. There is going to be a floor beyond which the insurance industry can’t go in terms of excluding people with pre-existing conditions and so on. And in exchange they get tens of millions of new customers. Now the part that needs to be implemented is the part that needs to bring them the tens of millions of new customers.

Everything I know about politics tells me that the Congress isn’t going to repeal all the good things that have already been implemented.

There is a powerful impetus, when people sit down and think about it â€" whether it’s the insurance industry or our officeholders â€" to say, “You know what? We’re not going to go backward, we’re going to go forward and make this work.”


If the president asks you, “How do we retake the House?” what would your advice be?


The first thing to recognize is that there are only a handful of genuinely swing districts, maybe two dozen. You have to focus your efforts on those.

No. 2: The reason why you have a different result in the presidential elections has a lot to do with turnout. The great challenge for the Democratic Party is, how you reduce the big gap between who votes in presidential elections and who votes in Congressional elections. The mid-term electorate is older, it’s whiter. The youth vote was 18 percent of the electorate in 2008, 19 percent in 2012, but it was only 12 percent in 2010.

So the question is, how do we motivate those voters who made a difference for the Democratic Party in the presidential years to think it’s important enough to participate? That’s where we need to use some of the technology that’s been developed to really target those voters and get them involved.


Does your success in 2012 tell Republicans what they need to do in 2016?


If our organization had been doing the same things in 2012 as we did in 2008, we would have lost. I see the Republican Party talking a lot about reverse engineering what we did, and replicating it in 2016.

The way technology is moving, at the pace it’s moving, there will be a whole new array of tools and imperatives for the winning campaign in 2016. So the question isn’t, “Can we catch up with what they did?” The question is, “What is the next big thing?” And my challenge to anyone running for president on either side is, don’t try to repeat what was done in 2012.

There is going to be a greater emphasis on how we use mobile phones and smartphones to communicate, to send media. Every single day they’re becoming more of an information center for people. There will come a point when you can send relevant media directly to people’s smartphones on a very targeted basis.


Give an honest grade for how Obama has succeeded in changing Washington â€" or failed.


I think that he, in his own conduct, has done that. I think he has been more transparent.

Has he changed the overall gestalt of Washington, the pathology of Washington? Has he cracked that code yet?

No. And if I said, “Yes,” that would impeach everything I said earlier in the minds of these fine people.

Sessions Says Immigration Bill Is a Threat to U.S. Workers

Senator Jeff Sessions, the Republican from Alabama who may be the most determined and energetic opponent of an immigration overhaul bill now before the Senate, said on Friday that the legislation is “dangerous” for American workers, and he vowed to offer amendments in coming weeks to “confront the fundamentals of the bill” and slow its progress.

On a conference call with reporters, Mr. Sessions made it clear that he hopes to reprise the leading role he played in 2007, when he helped rally popular resistance that defeated a similarly sweeping immigration bill by President George W. Bush.

The senator warned that the bill would bring “explosive growth” in immigration, providing work authorization and legal status to more than 30 million immigrants over the next 10 years. Mr. Sessions said it would also “drastically increase low-skill chain migration.”

He pointed to a fast-track, five-year path to citizenship in the legislation for more than 2 million young immigrants brought here without authorization as children, who call themselves Dreamers. Mr. Sessions said that after they gained permanent legal status, those immigrants would be able to bring any of their family members, adding as many as 2 million more immigrants in future years. He also warned about the future impact of new guest worker programs for farm laborers and other low-wage migrants.

“This large flow of workers will impact working Americans significantly,” Mr. Sessions said, adding that the immigrants would lower salaries and compete for jobs. “These numbers give a real warning to the American people of what is about to occur.”

The bill introduced last month by a bipartisan group of eight senators provides a 13-year path to citizenship for most immigrants here illegally, tightens border security, clears backlogs in the immigration system, creates new guest worker programs and expands visas for high-skilled immigrants. Senator Patrick J. Leahy, Democrat of Vermont and chairman of the Judiciary Committee, has said the process of adding amendments would begin next week.

“There are so many problems with this bill, it is hard to know where to start,” Mr. Sessions said. He said he planned amendments to increase local and federal immigration enforcement, curb future immigration and tighten visa background checks.

The senator, who was in Alabama for the Congressional recess, acknowledged that supporters of the bill appeared to have the initiative so far. But as its details emerge, he said, “I do feel there is a change in this momentum.”

A demographer on the conference call, Steven A. Camarota from the Center for Immigration Studies, a study group in Washington that advocates lower immigration, estimated the American economy would have to create 35 million new jobs over the next 10 years to absorb new Americans in the labor force and new immigrants under the bill.

“The coming decade would have to be the biggest job bonanza in American history,” Mr. Camarota said.

The senators sponsoring the bill have predicted far lower numbers of new immigrants. They note that most parents and many other family members of young Dreamers, for example, are already in the United States, most of them illegally but some with legal papers.

Q.& A.: Finding and Using Windows Contacts


I tried to follow your instructions for printing out my Windows 7 contacts, but I didn’t find a Contacts app when I searched for it or looked in my Programs menu.


Windows Contacts, which works as a stand-alone address book or companion to the Windows Mail program, arrived with Windows Vista and replaced the older Windows Address Book feature of previous versions of the operating system. Some e-mail programs, like Windows Live Mail and others, may not automatically share their own address books with the Windows Contacts, which may account for missing contacts files in the Contacts folder. (These other e-mail programs, like Microsoft Outlook for example, have their own methods for printing as well.)

If you search for Contacts and find none from the Start menu’s search box, try searching for wab.exe instead. An alternative method for getting to the Contacts folder is to go to the Start menu, search for (or open) the Run box, and type in C:\Users\YourUserName\Contacts (put your own user name in that string, of course). Press the Enter key. Even if your e-mail program’s contacts are not in the Contacts folder, you should see one for yourself that was created when you set up your user account on the computer.

Once the Contacts folder is open on screen, you should see a menu bar along the top edge of the folder window with commands for creating new contacts, editing contacts, printing them and importing contacts from other programs. (Maximize the window or click on a contact if commands seem to be missing.) The contacts themselves appear as individual files within the folder.

If your e-mail program has not stored its addresses in the Contacts folder and you did not manually add them yourself, you might be able to import the information into Contacts so you can manage and print them. Microsoft’s steps for importing and exporting address files between Windows Contacts and other programs outline the process. CSV (Comma Separated Values), vCard and Outlook Express contacts are among the compatible formats; the HowTech.PC site has a YouTube video that demonstrates how to export Windows Live Mail contacts as a CSV file if you want to see the procedure in action. The page also has links to articles for managing contacts and using them with other mail programs in Windows Vista and later.

Exporting and importing contacts between programs may seem like a hassle just to print them out, but it does give you a backup of your address book in case something happens to the computer or your e-mail program. Having a stand-alone manager like Windows Contacts can also save time if you want to look up someone’s mailing address or phone number quickly with a Start menu search for the name without having to switch to your e-mail program.

The Early Word: Plot Details

In Today’s Times

  • The surviving suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings told the F.B.I. that he and his brother had considered carrying out suicide attacks and striking on the Fourth of July, law enforcement officials said Thursday. Eric Schmitt, Mark Mazzetti, Michael S. Schmidt and Scott Shane report that the suspect said he and his brother had finished assembling the bombs faster than expected and had decided to move up their attack.
  • Vacancies in some of the top positions in Washington are slowing down policymaking, with many of the important posts at the State Department â€" including heads of embassy security and counterterrorism â€" going unfilled as lawmakers and administration officials trade blame, Michael D. Shear reports.
  • Pushed to reduce its dependence on federal financing as it suffers financial losses, Amtrak must either persuade 19 states to help cover the costs of some of its rail lines by October or close 28 of its short-haul routes, Ron Nixon reports.
  • What’s killing the American honeybee? A government report released Thursday points to a slew of causes including pesticides, parasites and nutritional problems, but officials from the agencies involved in the study say there is insufficient evidence to back a ban on one group of pesticides, John M. Broder reports.

Washington Happenings

  • President Obama continues his visit to Mexico on Friday, speaking at a museum and meeting with entrepreneurs. Later in the day, he will travel to Costa Rica, where his schedule includes a bilateral meeting, news conference and dinner with President Laura Chinchilla.
  • Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. joins Secretary of State John Kerry at the State Department to speak at the American Foreign Service Association memorial plaque ceremony. Later, he travels to Columbia, S.C., to deliver the keynote address at an annual state Democratic Party dinner and attend Representative James E. Clyburn’s annual fish fry.
  • The Labor Department will release its April jobs numbers at 8:30 a.m.