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GamesBeat weekly roundup: The E3 edition

GamesBeat weekly roundup: The E3 edition

Above: Sony is really pushing PlayStation Now.

Image Credit: Sony

This year’s Electronic Entertainment Expo in Los Angeles was intense, but we managed to cover all of the news and look at as many games as we could. As you can see from the massive list of stories below, we were very busy. This is your perfect chance to catch up on everything that happened at E3, from the unveiling of new characters in Super Smash Bros. to a detailed FAQ on how multiplayer in Halo: The Master Chief Collection will work.

Happy reading, and have a good weekend!

Pieces of flair and opinions

Battlefield: Hardline

Above: Battlefield: Hardline’s two warring factions — cops and robbers.

Image Credit: EA



Above: Splatoon was one of Nintendo’s most interesting games at E3.

Image Credit: Nintendo

Nintendo news

Uncharted 4

Above: The end of Drake?

Image Credit: Sony

Sony news

Halo 2 Anniversary

Above: We’re getting a lot of Halo.

Image Credit: Microsoft

Microsoft news

Mobile and social

Dragon Age Inquisition

Above: This vast expanse in Dragon Age: Inquisition is waiting for you to explore.

Image Credit: Electronic Arts

Previews and impressions

Metal Gear Solid V The Phantom Pain

Above: Snake looks ominous in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain.

Image Credit: Konami
