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SF is getting a new tech training center for at-risk adults, thanks to Zendesk & One Kings Lane

SF is getting a new tech training center for at-risk adults, thanks to Zendesk & One Kings Lane

The Community Housing Partnership (CHP) Training Center in San Francisco, Calif., has announced that it will be opening its doors on Wednesday, July 23, thanks to the help of lead contributors Zendesk and One Kings Lane.

The new training center is housed in a 2,800 square foot space. The CHP staff has been provided with the resources they need to help attendees find permanent employment and become self-sustaining. Staff members now have access to better technology, including computers. The training center has also set up individual rooms for specific lectures.

Previously, CHP training programs took place in community rooms that lacked the technology necessary to teach computer skills, which are often critical in entry-level jobs. CHP would have to refer visitors to other community resources if they sought this type of education.

"We want to train folks on basic Microsoft Office and data entry protocol so when they go onto work in sophisticated job settings, they can operate a cash register, operate an online tracking program, or enter notes into a computer data base system," said Gail Gilman, Executive Director, Community Housing Partnership. "We are hoping to launch a series of training opportunities with volunteers so those people can have basic computer skills."

CHP is dedicated to assisting the homeless and giving them the resources necessary to become self-efficient members of society. The organization has a staff of more than 280 people, many of whom have experienced homelessness first-hand. Today, CHP operates as a financially stable organization with an annual operating budget of approximately $25 million.

In addition to Zendesk and One Kings Lane, other contributors to the training center include Tipping Point Community, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, and David Baker Architects.

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