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Judge Spotlight: Dave Jones


This week’s Judge Spotlight features [Dave Jones] who posted a video reponse to our slate of questions. If you’ve spent much time around here chances are you know of [Dave] quite well. He is the man behind the EEVblog and also hosts The Amp Hour podcast along with [Chris Gammell].

It’s great to pick [Dave's] brain a bit. He’s seen a lot during his career, with insights on professional engineering from the point of view of job seeker, employer, job interviewer, and more. His time with the EEVblog and Amp Hour have furthered his experience with looks inside of all manner of equipment, adventures in crowd funding, and interactions with a multitude of hardware start-ups. Check out his video, as well as a list of the questions with timestamps, after the jump.

We’re sure you know by now, he’s judging The Hackaday Prize which will award a trip to space and hundreds of other prizes for showing off your connected device built using Open Design.

Here are the questions:

  1. 0:32 - It’s our understanding that you had a full-time engineering job when you started the EEVblog. How did you manage to fit in the time to pioneer the show?
  2. 2:30 - Often you give a great piece of advice for engineers: bring something you built to every interview. Do you recommend taking on builds related to the type of work you want in order to serve as these interview showpieces or can it be anything?
  3. 3:30 - We have started to hear about extracurricular hacking activities at small firms; kind of like mini-hackerspaces where employees can build stuff for fun. What do you think about this, and would you like to see it become a more widely exercised practice?
  4. 5:45 - You have mentioned that it is unlikely you’d ever join a Hackerspace since you have a formidable home lab. But obviously you do collaborate with others via your forums, etc. Would you consider this a type of virtual hackerspace? Do you have any advice on how people can connect with others to collaborate or just to exchange ideas?
  5. 7:59 - You’re known for being highly animated — your excitement for electronics is infectious! Is this a persona that comes out mostly when filming or do you have this kind of passion in your daily life?
  6. 10:12 - Tell us about your non-engineering-related hobbies.
  7. 12:16 - What else is going on in your life?
  8. 13:18 – Why does Open Source matter to you and what are some stories of Closed Source hurting your progress as an Engineer? What are some stories of Open Source helping your progress as an Engineer?
  9. 17:16 - What kind of projects really tickle your fancy and make you screaming with delight?

Filed under: Featured, Interviews, The Hackaday Prize