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Don’t miss the biggest [a]list summit so far on July 31


Don't miss the biggest [a]list summit so far on July 31

This sponsored post is produced by a[list] daily.

Popular entertainment marketing industry event, [a]list summit, is  returning for its 9th iteration on July 31st and will be held at the brand new The Line Hotel in Los Angeles' latest foodie-infested hotspot, Koreatown. The focus this year is the science, art, and business of influencer marketing, featuring a keynote from YouTube's head of brand strategy, Eric Solomon; an array of top YouTubers; and 25-plus speakers from among the best and brightest of the influencer-marketing sphere.

[a]list summit was once an invite-only event with a roster that was a who's who of the games and entertainment industry. [a]list summit has now partnered with VentureBeat and video platform Tubular and has opened its registration to interested brand marketers, media buyers, top social media influencers, and more.

The event is covering the subject of leveraging online influence for brands in full force with two tracks split into a main session and a more intimate breakout session with two keynotes. Panels range from how to translate brand stories into potent content, activating this with the help of influencers and a brand channel network, and how to measure the success of these campaigns. Attendees will have the chance to mingle with major online influencers as the event will be punctuated with networking breaks and food by celebrity chef Roy Choi from his highly anticipated Pot restaurant.

"We've had an overwhelming response to this event with over 200 brand marketers signed up to date and it's a testament to the importance of the new influencer marketing ecosystem in terms of creating value for and engagement with any audience across social platforms,”  said Jay Baage, executive director of [a]listdaily and [a]list summit.

The summit comes at a time when digital is driving gains in global ad spending, set to double this year. As digital accounts for over 25 percent of global media advertising, marketers are seeking ways to drive brand awareness in the digital sphere, and an effective way of doing that is by making those with a high degree of online influence and integral part of a campaign.

Leveraging big YouTubers is a key part of this. Adroit Digital recently released a survey of over 2,000 Americans over age 18 to find that 68 percent of respondents are getting their content fix from YouTube versus 51 percent that said they watch traditional TV.

YouTube's new CEO, Susan Wojcicki, in speaking to AdAge in April, had this to say about the burgeoning relationship between brands and influencers: "”Think of the last TV show you watched. It was probably marketed to you in some way. If you look at our top creators, they have a lot of subscribers; it’s all categories like entertainment, health and beauty, food, cooking, and yet I think a lot of times advertisers and users don’t know about these channels."

Marketing is undergoing some major changes as emphasis increases in the utilization of brand channel networks and the disseminating content online.

"As we get further out into the new world of advertising, more of the marketer's output will have to compete as a creative endeavor that is able to stand on its own," said [a]list summit speaker Robert Brill who heads ION and Programmatic Media at Ayzenberg in a recent VentureBeat piece.

In gathering industry key players and influencers, [a]list summit stands to further the conversation surrounding influencer marketing in a big way. For more information about the summit, check out

There are only a few tickets left! Get 20 percent off registration for [a]list summit using the code VB20.

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