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Good news, iOS Spotify listeners: You can now search for tracks while offline

Good news, iOS Spotify listeners: You can now search for tracks while offline
Image Credit: VentureBeat/RicardoBilton

Well, it was about time: You can finally search downloaded music on Spotify’s iOS apps while offline.

While not a seemingly huge update, anything adding to the mobile experience is a win when it comes to Spotify. Rumors that the company was finally making music streaming available on mobile to its free listeners surfaced this past December, and it finally overhauled its Windows phone app in May.

Interestingly, it looks like the feature was part of the iOS app until Spotify pulled it back in December, according to a Spotify community thread. The return of more mobile features and capabilities for nonpaying users is likely welcome news to those listeners.

Rdio, a similar service to Spotify, only offers offline search on mobile for its paying customers.

Via 9to5 Mac. 

Spotify is a Swedish DRM-based music streaming service offering streaming of selected music from a range of major and independent record labels, including Sony, EMI, Warner Music Group, and Universal.[ Launched in October 2008 by Swedi... read more »