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GamesBeat weekly roundup: The coolest stuff we saw at E3, Angry Birds meets Transformers, and scholarships for League of Legends

GamesBeat weekly roundup: The coolest stuff we saw at E3, Angry Birds meets Transformers, and scholarships for League of Legends

Above: Evolve was one of the coolest games at E3.

Image Credit: 2K Games

Welcome to another GamesBeat weekly roundup! This time, we talk about the best games and coolest technologies we saw at the Electronic Entertainment Expo, Angry Birds gets a Transformers crossover, and League of Legends is now a college sport.

You’ll find all of that and more below. Happy reading!

Pieces of flair and opinions

Mario Kart 8 was the second best-selling game of the month.

Above: Mario Kart 8 was the second best-selling game of the month.

Image Credit: Nintendo


Mobile and social

Ori and the Blind Forest

Above: Ori and the Blind Forest feels like a playable animated movie.

Image Credit: Microsoft

Previews and interviews


Screen Shot 2014-03-25 at 2.00.11 PMGamesBeat 2014 — VentureBeat's sixth annual event on disruption in the video game market — is coming up on Sept 15-16 in San Francisco. Purchase one of the first 50 tickets and save $400!