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The Early Word: Pre-Existing Conditions

Today's Times

  • The cost of claims for people with serious pre-existing medical conditions has already exhausted most of the $5 billion provided by Congress in the 2010 health care law, Robert Pear writes.
  • Members of the bipartisan group of eight senators who drafted an overhaul of the nation's immigration laws see Senator Orrin G. Hatch, Republican of Utah and an original sponsor of the Dream Act for young immigrants, as a potentially influential partner, Ashley Parker reports. But he is playing hard to get.
  • Peter Baker and Jonathan Weisman delve deeper into the details released by Jay Carney, President Obama's press secretary, that go beyond a previous White House account on what the administration knew about the Internal Revenue Service's scrutiny of conservative groups.

Around the Web

  • The Customs and Border Protection agency presented a plan to Congress that would prevent employee furloughs brought on by the sequester, The Washington Post reports.
  • Washington is getting a greater share of the limelight lately, with expected to produce a full season of “Alpha House,” a comedy about Republican senators living together as roommates, Politico reports.

Happenings in Washington

  • President Obama and Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. will meet with young immigrants who have received deferred action on deportation, as well as American citizens who are family members of illegal immigrants, in the Oval Office.
  • Later, Mr. Biden will speak at a reception in honor of Jewish American Heritage Month.
  • The Library of Congress will host a concert in its Coolidge Auditorium in honor of the singer Carole King.