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Obama to Visit Sub-Saharan Africa in June

President Obama will make a weeklong trip to Africa this summer, the longest journey of his presidency so far to the continent of his father's family, the White House announced on Monday.

Mr. Obama will visit Senegal, South Africa and Tanzania from June 26 to July 3, the White House said. While he made a one-day stop in Ghana after visiting Russia and Italy in 2009, this will be his most extended visit to Africa since taking office.

“The president will meet with a wide array of leaders from government, business and civil society, including youth, to discuss our strategic partnerships on bilateral and global issues,” the White House said in a statement. “The trip will underscore the president's commitment to broadening and deepening cooperation between the United States and the people of sub-Saharan Africa to advance regional and global peace and prosperity.”

Both Bill Clinton and George W. Bush made high-profile trips to Africa as president, but Mr. Obama's visit carries additional political and personal significance since his father was from Kenya. While Mr. Obama was born and largely raised in Hawaii, his book “Dreams From My Father” offered a meditation on his roots and described his exploration of the African side of his family. But some activists have expressed disappointment that he did not spend significant time on the continent during his first term and have complained that he has not done more in terms of policy to advance African countries.