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Spotify’s iPhone app finally lets you see your ‘Play Queue’ & sort music

Spotify's iPhone app finally lets you see your 'Play Queue' & sort music

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One of the more frustrating things about using Spotify on an iPhone was that you really couldn’t sift through your large collection of music, or see what was about to start playing. Now that’s finally changing.

In the latest Spotify iOS app update, users can now view their Play Queue on the iPhone as well as sort through music alphabetically and search for a specific song, artist or playlist. Additionally, the queue is now directly accessible from the Now Playing screen for convenience, and Spotify warns users if the song already exists in the collection to prevent duplicates.

The update, which brings the iOS app up to par with the Android version, should be well received by hardcore Spotify users, and many would likely agree this functionality should have been available on the iPhone from day one.

The streaming music service also added the ability to search through your downloaded songs offline earlier this week, as VentureBeat previously reported. Spotify listeners have been able to take their songs offline to listen to them on their mobile device in the past, but the process of downloading playlists was not always easy, according to Techlicious. The task has been streamlined and simplified for mobile users.

Currently, the Spotify app can be downloaded for free on the App Store and Google Play store. However, Spotify requires a Premium Account for those who want to listen to music without commercials. A subscription costs $9.99 per month.