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GrowthBeat will show you why smarter CRMs enable businesses to get ahead and grow

GrowthBeat will show you why smarter CRMs enable businesses to get ahead and grow

GrowthBeat, our new event exploring the data, apps, and science of successful marketing, is coming up on Aug. 5 and Aug. 6 in San Francisco.

Today, we're excited to announce a new session with 6Sense CEO and founder Amanda Kahlow and Pure Storage head of global campaigns and demand generation Mike Kim.

Session Speakers:

Amanda Kahlow

Amanda Kahlow, CEO, 6Sense

Mike Kim

Mike Kim, Global Campaigns & Demand Generation, Pure Storage

Because B2B deals are inherently larger and slower to close, marketing and sales teams rely heavily on marketing automation systems and customer relationship management (CRM) software to guide and document the sales process and log customer information.

Though they do create efficiencies, these systems provide only a glimpse of the prospects' overall behaviors and inherently rely on human effort (and therefore human bias) to deliver insights. So these systems are not only limited, but they're quite dumb, too.

The fastest-growing B2B companies succeed by optimizing their marketing automation and CRM tools. Behavioral big data and predictive analytics are the key to this optimization, a fact CRM giants are quickly realizing; as Salesforce’s purchase of RelateIQ last week can attest. B2B companies integrate their legacy CRMs with increasingly sophisticated solutions. You can think of it as adding layers of intelligence on top of the classic CRM. One benefit consists of augmenting the static customer information that was manually inputted with up-to-date information gathered from other systems in the company or even third-party sources. Another key benefit derives from algorithms ranking and highlighting the accounts with the best chances of closing deals, making the sales people more efficient. While these types of tools are still early, they are already showing compelling results. Competition among these additional solutions is fierce, on factors like ease of integration and of use, demonstrated ROI, and compatibility with existing enterprise platforms.

Kahlow and Kim will talk about how predictive intelligence technologies are being integrated with (but could supersede) these enterprise-wide legacy systems to deliver unparalleled actionable insights to sales and marketing. By transforming "dumb" software into intelligent predictive ones, companies can focus their marketing on the right buyers, increase MQL to SQL conversion, and ultimately drive substantial revenue growth.

This is just one of many great sessions at GrowthBeat. We'll be announcing a bunch of speaker and program updates in the coming days, so stay tuned. For more on the vision of the event, including event themes and takeaways, you can head over to our event site.

Special thanks to the following industry leaders for supporting GrowthBeat: Demandbase as Gold Partner; Ion Interactive as Silver Partner; AT&T, Swrve, Act-On, Bizo, WP Engine and Looker as Event Partners; and CommandIQ & Marketing.AI as Nest Partners.

Screen Shot 2014-07-15 at 10.53.56 AMOur upcoming GrowthBeat event — August 5-6 in San Francisco — is exploring the data, apps, and science of successful marketing. Get the scoop here, and grab your tickets before they're gone!