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Got an email about the new ‘iPhone 6′? You’re being scammed

Got an email about the new 'iPhone 6′? You're being scammed
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Along with the incessant rumors about the impending release of the iPhone 6, if that is indeed what Apple is calling it, come the scams that inevitably ensue with a new product launch.

So, if you’re receiving email messages from about the launch of the brand new ‘iPhone 6,’ you could well on your way to becoming a victim of a phishing scam. If you replied to the bogus message, you may really be in trouble.

Screenshot of iPhone 6 phishing scam

Above: Screenshot of iPhone 6 phishing scam

Image Credit: Trend Micro

Reporters who cover Apple recently received received bogus emails and texts with words “the wait is over.” A “click here” link in the email attempted to entice reporters to visit a website and enter their details.

The security company Trend Micro discovered the scam over the weekend.

The bogus email noted that the iPhone 6, purportedly with a larger, more Samsung-like screen, would be released in July. That’s a red flag because Apple usually trots out new smartphone products in September.

"It’s a good old fashioned phishing scam trying to get your personal information. Ignore, delete and block these emails," said Trend Micro’s Christopher Budd.

"Do not give these emails a second thought because they are clearly lures to try to lead recipients down a path that may be harmful. This email scam is a common tactic used by cybercriminals,” Budd said.

Indeed they are. Cyber thugs have also sent similar phishing emails about the “date” and “time” of Apple’s iWatch, whose future release has been an incessant blaze of rumors too.

Ignore. Delete. Empty trash.

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