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The Early Word: Legalese

Today’s Times

  • The Supreme Court is expected to release a ruling this week on a key provision of the Voting Rights Act, which some are arguing adds an unfair burden during compliance, Campbell Robertson reports.
  •  Many Washington institutions are making the high-tech transition, but the nine Supreme Court justices continue to appear publicly oblivious to social media, Michael D. Shear writes. The high court’s annual rulings remain stubbornly opaque, until they are handed out (on paper, first) by the court’s public relations team.
  •  Senator Mary L. Landrieu, Democrat of Louisiana, has made a complete about-face on the immigration issue, reflecting a new political reality in which conservative Democrats are uniting with moderate Republicans to help carry the legislation across the finish line, Jonathan Weisman writes.

Around the Web

  • Representative Nancy Pelosi was booed and heckled on Saturday when she said that Edward J. Snowden, the former national security contractor who leaked information about government surveillance programs, violated the law, The Hill reports.

 Happenings in Washington

  • President Obama will meet with business leaders in the White House for a discussion on immigration reform.