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Q&A: Keeping Control Over Your Facebook Timeline


How do I stop people other people from posting stuff on my Facebook page?


Facebook's privacy settings allow you to block your friends from posting photos and comments directly to your Timeline, although they can still see and comment on any photos or updates you post there yourself. To get to your account's controls, log into Facebook, click the gear-shaped icon in the top right corner of the page and select Account Settings.

On the left side of the Account Settings screen, click on the “Timeline and Tagging” link. In the center of the page, in the “Who can post in your timeline?” area, click the Edit link. In the drop-down menu that appears, select Only Me. (The same Timeline and Tagging settings also let you choose who can see posts on your Facebook page, so you can choose instead to allow friends to post things to your Timeline - but have those posts visible only to you, and not your friends.)

Over the years, Facebook has changed its privacy controls and other settings several times. You can find the help guide to the site's current privacy settings and tools here.

A version of this article appeared in print on 06/13/2013, on page B11 of the NewYork edition with the headline: Let Others Look, But Not Post.