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Two More Democrats Switch on Same-Sex Marriage

Two more senators announced their support for same-sex marriage Friday, becoming the latest in a flood of lawmakers switching their positions on the issue.

Senator Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota and Senator Joe Donnelly of Indiana â€" both Democrats elected in November who will not have to face voters again until 2018 â€" released brief statements Friday morning reversing their previous position on same-sex marriage.

“In speaking with North Dakotans from every corner of our great state, and much personal reflection, I have concluded the federal government should no longer discriminate against people who want to make lifelong, loving commitments to each other or interfere in personal, private, and intimate relationships,” Ms. Heitkamp said in a statement on her Web site.

Mr. Donnelly posted a statement on his Facebook page, citing his earlier support in the House of Representatives for repealing “don’t ask, don’t tell” and prohibiting discrimination in the workplace based on sexual orientation.

“With the recent Supreme Court arguments and accompanying public discussion of same-sex marriage, I have been thinking about my past positions and votes,” he said. “In doing so, I have concluded that the right thing to do is to support marriage equality for all.”

Lawmakers have rushed to ally themselves with supporters of same-sex marriage in recent weeks, and this week has been no exception.

Senator Bob Casey, Democrat of Pennsylvania, kicked off the week with his announcement Monday, followed by Senator Mark Kirk, Republican of Illinois, and Senator Tom Carper, Democrat of Delaware, on Tuesday. Most recently, Senator Bill Nelson, Democrat of Florida, changed his position Thursday.

The latest announcements leave just four Senate Democrats who oppose same-sex marriage: Mary L. Landrieu of Louisiana, Tim Johnson of South Dakota, Joe Manchin III of West Virginia and Mark Pryor of Arkansas.