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Submit Your Questions on Immigration Overhaul

Submit Your Questions on Immigration Overhaul

Julia Preston

On Wednesday a bipartisan group of eight senators introduced a sweeping bill to overhaul the immigration system. The 844-page bill includes a pathway to citizenship for immigrants here illegally, new border security measures, a mandatory nationwide system to verify the legal status of new hires, two new guest worker programs and a host of changes to the legal immigration system.

The sponsors said they hoped to win passage of the bill in the Senate by early June.

Do you find the vast and complex piece of legislation confusing? Are you perplexed about the path to citizenship? Are you wondering what the term ‘guest workers’ means?

As the national debate over overhauling immigration continues, submit your questions in the comments field below.

Julia Preston, the national immigration correspondent for The New York Times, will be answering selected readers’ questions about the immigration system and the proposals before Congress to overhaul it.