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Q&A: Requesting Refunds From Google Play


Does the Google Play store offer refunds for apps I buy on my Android phone?


The Google Play store does provide full refunds for apps that you have purchased, with a couple of conditions. First, you must make your refund request within 15 minutes of buying and downloading the app; when you buy new software, check it out immediately to make sure it works properly and that you have no issues with it.

If you discover problems with the app after the 15-minute return period has passed, you might try contacting Google or the app's developer, although this sort of direct approach may not always work. Developer information is typically listed on the app's page in the Google Play store.

Google's second condition for getting a refund from the store is that you can only return an app once. If you buy the same program a second time, you cannot return it.

To request a refund for an app you have purchased on your phone within the 15-minute window for returns, open the Google Play store app, choose Menu and select My Apps. Select the app in question and tap the Refund button to start the process. Google's site has more information on requesting app refunds.

A version of this article appeared in print on 04/11/2013, on page B12 of the NewYork edition with the headline: Requesting Refunds From Google Play.