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Nelson Reverses Position on Same-Sex Marriage

Senator Bill Nelson joined the wave of lawmakers announcing their support for same-sex marriage, reversing his previous opposition on Thursday.

Mr. Nelson, Democrat of Florida, told The Tampa Bay Times that it came down to an issue of equality.

“The civil rights and responsibilities for one must pertain to all,” he said in a statement. “Thus, to discriminate against one class and not another is wrong for me.”

Mr. Nelson, a Protestant, referenced God twice as he explained why he reversed his position that marriage should be between a man and a woman.

“Simply put, if the Lord made homosexuals as well as heterosexuals, why should I discriminate against their civil marriage” he said. “I shouldn’t, and I won’t.”

Mr. Nelson said he would join other senators in signing a petition urging the Supreme Court to declare the ban on same-sex marriage unconstitutional.

Democratic lawmakers have been issuing news releases in droves expressing their support for same-sex marriage, with new proponents cropping up almost daily. His announcement leaves only six Democrats in the Senate who oppose it.

Two Republican senators have also switched their positions: Senator Rob Portman of Ohio and, on Tuesday, Senator Mark Kirk of Illinois.