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The Obamas Hosted the Clintons at the White House

President Obama has been quite the social butterfly lately, dining with Senate Republicans and hosting bipartisan lunches. Now comes word that the president and the first lady had their first double date with Bill Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton, over dinner at the White House last Friday.

Clinton associates confirm that the couples spent about three hours in the private residence of the White House; the dinner was first reported by Politico on its Web site. The occasion was a celebration of Mrs. Clinton’s first-term service as secretary of state, but it followed some recent media commentary about the fact that the Obamas had never “doubled” with the prior Democratic residents of the White House.

The Obamas’ invitation also came as the president was starting a strategy of outreach to Republicans in Congress - through calls and meals - to reach around their resistant party leaders and seek common ground on the budget and other issues. Mr. Clinton has made it clear that he favors such engagement.

Aides to the current and former presidents declined to provide any details.