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The Early Word: Too Soon

In Today’s Times

  • Six of the Supreme Court justices on Tuesday seemed to share a sense of something akin to buyer’s remorse after accepting the momentous case of whether gay and lesbian couples have a constitutional right to marry, Adam Liptak writes. They appeared torn over whether this was the right time and right case for a decision on a fast-moving social issue.
  • Senator Tim Johnson, Democrat of South Dakota, announced Tuesday that he will not seek re-election in 2014, opening up a potential opportunity for Republicans in the state, which President Obama lost by a large margin last year, Jennifer Steinhauer writes.
  • President Obama appointed Julia A. Pierson to be the first woman to lead the Secret Service, an agency best known for protecting the president, vice president and their families â€" in spite of last year’s prostitution scandal, Peter Baker reports.

Around the Web

  • A gun store in Arizona blocked Mark Kelly, the husband of former Representative Gabrielle Giffords, from buying an assault rifle after the owner learned that he was buying it as a “political stunt designed to demonstrate how easy it was,” The Hill reports.
  • Politico: Former Representative Todd Akin’s infamous “legitimate rape” comments have been turned into an episode of “Law & Order: SVU.”

Happenings in Washington

  • There will be a vigil in front of the White House on Wednesday in support of the prisoners in their seventh week of a hunger strike at the Guantánamo Bay prison camp.