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The Weekend Word: Unravel

Today’s Times

  • Federal prosecutors filed charges against former Representative Jesse L. Jackson Jr., Democrat of Illinois, on Friday for using campaign funds to fuel his desire for exotic objects, Michael S. Schmidt reports. Mr. Jackson’s desire for such objects, prompted him to take about $750,000 directly from his campaign funds in violation of campaign finance laws, according to government documents, unraveling the career of one of the country’s best-known black politicians and the son of a famous civil rights activist.
  • In just two months, Senator Ted Cruz, Republican of Texas, has made his presence felt in the Capitol with brash moves that have raised eyebrows and tempers from colleagues in both paties, Jonathan Weisman reports.
  • President Obama gave a policy speech that turned personal on Friday when he paid tribute to 15-year-old Hadiya Pendleton, a girl who’s shooting death now represents his private connection to the gun violence that he has only begun to address in his second term, Jackie Calmes writes.
  • Even though Democrats in Kentucky are still fighting over whether Ashley Judd, the actress, would be a viable United States Senate candidate in 2014, she has already become the target of a Republican “super PAC,” Trip Gabriel reports.

Weekly Addresses

  • President Obama delivered his weekly address from Hyde Park Academy in Chicago, where he reiterated the plans he laid out in Tuesday’s State of the Union address. He spoke about wanting to create manufacturing hubs across the country, making the tax code more competitive for companies, offering high-quality preschool to every child in America, raising the minimum wage and passing comprehensive immigration reform. “So we know what we need to do,” he said. “All the steps I’ve mentioned are common sense. And, together, they will help us grow our economy and strengthen our middle class.”
  • Representative Martha Roby of Alabama delivered this week’s Republican address, calling on President Obama and Senate Democrats to join her party members in “replacing” the proposed across-the-board cuts on military spending with “better, more responsible spending cuts.❠She did not specify what programs her colleagues would trim instead, but said they would be based on “real budget priorities.” “It is a shame that our commander in chief is using the military he leads as leverage in an ideological crusade for higher taxes,” she said. “These games have got to stop.

Happenings in Washington

  • For the 100th anniversary of Woodrow Wilson’s presidency, the Woodrow Wilson House will be open to the public.