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The Weekend Word: One-of-a-Kind

Today’s Times

  • President Obama’s re-election campaign is being transformed into a powerhouse national advocacy network with few clear rules, ample potential for influence peddling and no precedent in national politics, Nicholas Confessore reports. The goal is to harness Mr. Obama’s extensive voter database and technological infrastructure in support of his second-term policy priorities, including gun violence, climate change and immigration.
  • The White House warned of potentially severe disruptions in air travel if across-the-board spending cuts take effect on March 1, showing that the Obama administration believes that the threat of widespread  problems could sway the public and encourage voters to force Republicans to the bargaiing table, Jonathan Weisman and Michael D. Shear report.
  • Advocates for illegal immigrants are demanding that the White House stop what has become one of the most aggressive and efficient efforts in decades to deport those who are in the country unlawfully, Michael D. Shear reports. Activists say they are being forced out at exactly the wrong moment â€" when the promise of eventual United States citizenship could be around the corner.
  • Though it fell short of a full state visit, President Obama met with Shinzo Abe, Japan’s new prime minister, at the White House on Friday to discuss their mutual interests in curbing North Korea’s nuclear ambitions, expanding trade and keeping peace among Pacific nations, Jackie Calmes writ! es.

Weekly Address

  • President Obama described improving the economy and creating jobs as items that should be topping the country’s agenda. “And yet, less than one week from now, Congress is poised to allow a series of arbitrary, automatic budget cuts that will do the exact opposite,” he said. “They will slow our economy. They will eliminate good jobs. They will leave many families who are already stretched to the limit scrambling to figure out what to do.” He asked for Congress to come to a compromise that would stave off the cuts, and to work together in reducing the deficit “with smart spending cuts, entitlement reform and tax reform.” He said his plan comes with just one requirement: “Democrats and Republicans to meet halfway to resolve the problem.”

Happenings in Washington

  • President Obama, Michelle Obama, Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. and Dr. Jill Bide will host the 2013 Governors’ Dinner at the White House on Sunday.