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Rubio to Deliver State of the Union Rebuttal

Senator Marco Rubio will give the Republicans’ response to the State of the Union address, party leaders announced on Wednesday.

Mr. Rubio, a first-term senator from Florida, will deliver his speech in both English and Spanish, according to a news release from Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the Republican leader, and Speaker John A. Boehner of Ohio, after President Obama appears before Congress on Tuesday.

The choice of Mr. Rubio, one of the most prominent Hispanic figures in the Republican Party, comes as the party has vowed to appeal more to Latino voters. Mr. Rubio, a Cuban-American, will address immigration as a way to help the economy, according to a Rubio aide, though the speech will focus more on the Republicans’ “commitment to limited government as the best way to help the middle class,” the news release said.

Though the State of the Union rebuttal has been seen as an opportunity for rising stars to gain broader exposure, it has not had clear immediate benefits for he past few choices: Gov. Mitch Daniels of Indiana in 2012, Representative Paul D. Ryan in 2011, Gov. Robert McDonnell of Virginia in 2010 and Gov. Bobby Jindal of Louisiana in 2009.