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The Early Word: Overhaul

Today’s Times

  • A bipartisan group of senators will unveil a set of principles on Monday for a sweeping overhaul of the immigration system, Julia Preston reports. The blueprint will allow them to stake out their position before the opening of what lawmakers expect to be a protracted and contentious debate over the issue in Congress.
  • Representative Eric Cantor, the House majority leader, was lying low after the Republicans’ election losses in 2012, but he is reasserting his presence in the Capitol with a new track for his party, Jonathan Weisman writes. He is hoping to lay out a second, softer message that goes beyond the constant cycle of budget showdowns and deficit talks.
  • President Obama and Secretary of State Hillar Rodham Clinton sat down for a rare interview at a time when Mr. Obama has run his last election and Mrs. Clinton is contemplating one more, Peter Baker writes.
  • Much of Mr. Obama’s early second-term energy seeks to simply preserve the status quo as he continues the fiscal battle with Congressional Republicans, John Harwood writes.

Happenings in Washington

  • Mr. Obama will welcome the N.B.A. championship team, the Miami Heat, to the White House.