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Q&A: How to Reinstall the Google Chrome Browser


The Google Chrome browser no longer works on my Windows computer. How do I delete it so I can try to install it again


To uninstall Google Chrome on a PC running Windows Vista or later, close the browser program and then go to the Start menu and open Control Panel. (On Windows 8, press the Windows key and the X key to pop up a menu with Control Panel listed.) Next, click the Programs and Features icon and double-click Google Chrome in the list. Click the Uninstall button at the top of the list and confirm your intention to remove the program.

On a Windows XP system, go to the Start menu to Control Panel and select Add or Remove Programs. Double-click Google Chrome, click Remove and confirm that you would like to uninstall the browser.

If you have trouble removing the browser, check out GoogleĆ¢€™s instructions for manually yanking Chrome off a Windows system. The company has more information about uninstalling Chrome if it has been intalled systemwide, as well as for removing it from Mac and Linux systems here.

Once you have removed the nonfunctioning copy of Google Chrome from your system, you can download and install it again. If you are still having problems with the software, check GoogleĆ¢€™s page of known issues with Chrome to see if there might be a solution.