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Obama Signs Tax Deal Remotely Using Autopen

President Obama's decision to quickly sign the tax bill passed by Congress this week required him to reach across the Pacific Ocean and the continental United States to do so.

Not literally, of course. But rather than have the bill flown to Hawaii, where he is vacationing with his family, the president directed that the bill be signed with the White House autopen.

The device allows Mr. Obama to affix his signature to legislation without actually holding the pen. He's done it twice before - once to extend the Patriot Act while he was in Europe and again to sign an emergency spending bill while he was traveling in Ind onesia.

It's not exactly routine, but Mr. Obama remains the first and only president in the country's history to use the device, which used to be reserved for signatures on mass mailings.

As noted here, when the president first used the device, the legal justification was penned by the legal advisers to Mr. Obama's predecessor, George W. Bush. In a 2005, memorandum, the lawyers concluded an autopen signature would carry the weight of the law.

“We emphasize that we are not suggesting that the president may delegate the decision to approve and sign a bill, only that, having made this decision, he may direct a subordinate to affix the president's signature to the bil l,” wrote Howard C. Nielson, Jr., the deputy assistant attorney general for the office of legal counsel.

Follow Michael D. Shear on Twitter at @shearm.