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The Early Word: No Mercy

Today's Times

  • President Obama has emerged as a different kind of negotiator in the past week or two, disciplined and unyielding in his argument to raise taxes on the wealthy while offering nothing new to rein in spending and overhaul entitlement programs, Peter Baker reports.
  • Leaders of a national movement of young immigrants voted to push President Obama and Congress next year on a bill to legalize 11 million immigrants in the United States, Julia Preston writes.
  • The lead negotiators for the White House and Congressional Republicans used the Sunday morning shows to defend their positions on the fiscal crisis and assign blame to the other side for the impasse, Jackie Calmes reports.

 Around the Web

  • Former Representative J.C. Watts of Oklahoma thinks that as chairman the Republican National Committee, he could broaden the party's appeal to minority voters, Politico reports. He has not, however, made a defi nite decision to enter the race.
  • The chapel at West Point Military Academy hosted its first same-sex wedding on Saturday, the Associated Press reports.

 Happenings in Washington

  • President Obama will host Boyko Borisov, the prime minister of Bulgaria, at the White House. Later, Mr. Obama will deliver remarks to the Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction symposium at the National Defense University.